what I Do

Lifestyle Coaching and Organizing for 
Small Space Families

Whether you're trying to make it work with small humans  or just tired of apologizing for your home, welcome.
Come on in friend, take off your shoes, stay awhile ...

Where It all Started

As a mom of 2 living in 1 bd apt in NYC, I got tired of hearing,
“You have kids. When are you getting a bigger space?” 

I set out to prove that small spaces could be dream homes too.
I designed Space Jams as a community where small space dwellers could find support, solidarity and coaching to re-imagine what was possible in their spaces.

If you're ready to see your space with new eyes, you're in the right place. 

Small spaces don't have to be survived. I'm here to coach you in organization and design strategies guaranteed to keep you thriving - long after I'm gone. 

What I do...

I've spent my entire adult life in 1 bd apts. After moving to NYC, I quickly realized that upgrading meant living outside our means. So I began my journey to reimagine our 700 square feet. Along the way, I had 2 kids, stopped hating running, and developed a mild obsession for writing emails you look forward to reading.

Tell Me More!

take the FREE quiz


Not sure where to start? Take the home personality quiz. Like the ones we binged in the aughties --
for your space.
for your home.
Uncover your Space Jams.

Ready Set Book.

What IT Looks like 

Whether it's the counter you can't find or the closet you can't open, when you book a home sessions we'll get you sorted in no time. This in home service is the perfect blend of mindset and good old fashioned elbow grease.  

Home Sessions



- miriam, Client

“Honestly, I tell everyone to go to Khrystyne! She's so understanding + helped me to not judge myself or my space."

YES! Show Me More

Just like trying to wipe down a table stacked high with boxes, you can't fix problems without addressing how they got there in the first place. Each home session is infused with coaching so the work sticks long after I'm gone.  

Why Coaching? 

Home work That sticks 


When I discovered that I was expecting, and it would cost $5000 to break the lease on our 450 sq ft apt, finding family apartment tours kept me going. I never dreamed that one day our "jam" would become a ray of light for others. 

it all began with a jam...

check this out next...

Small Space
Survival Guide

it's not an extra bathroom,
but it's darn close:

7 days of tried (by yours truly) habits  guaranteed to decrease your stress levels + make you feel like you just got an upgrade at the Plaza.

Free stuff: